Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. Those are the words of the invitation to communion in the United Methodist Church, an invitation to be as one with one another and with Christ.
In the inaugural episode of the Grace for the Future podcast, Bishop Leonard Fairley and his guests, Rev. Dr. John Hatton, a District Superintendent in the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church, and Rev. Lisa Yebuah, the North Carolina Conference Spiritual Director and Advisor for Inclusion and Equity for the Cabinet and Leadership Team and Lead pastor at Southeast Raleigh Table, explore how this invitation into Christian Discipleship informs our decisions, conversations, and discernment about the future.
Bishop Fairley and his guests will also look at where and how they have seen this means of grace lived out in this season of transition, uncertainty, and anxiety.