Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.
In this month’s episode of the Grace for the Future podcast, Bishop Leonard Fairley’s guests are Rev. Jason Villegas and Eliza Love. Rev Villegas is an ordained Elder in the North Carolina Annual Conference, serving Murfreesboro UMC. He also serves on the Conference task force on reimagining youth ministry and the Hispanic Latino Committee. Eliza Love is in the candidacy process in the Kentucky Annual Conference and is in her second year at Duke Divinity school working on her Master of Divinity degree.
On this episode of Grace for the Future, Bishop Fairley and his guests look at what it means to sing “Hosanna!” for how grateful we are for God’s grace. How does gratitude for God’s grace manifest itself in our lives? Join us for this month’s episode of Grace for the Future!